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Think Like A Trader

Our Journey: The Making of FOREX [decrypted]

Embark with us on a journey that began in 2015, when the world of Forex trading was opaque and fraught with uncertainty. It was then that a group of mathematicians, seasoned traders, and technology enthusiasts came together with a shared vision of bringing about a revolution in Forex trading. This collective vision was the genesis of FOREX [decrypted].

Over the years, we nurtured this seed of an idea, watering it with innovation, courage, and perseverance. Today, it has blossomed into a globally recognized platform that champions transparency, fairness, and innovation in the Forex market. From our humble beginnings, we have grown and evolved, but our core mission remains unchanged – empowering traders to navigate the Forex market with confidence and success.

Mission, Vision, and Values: The Pillars of FOREX [decrypted]

Our mission at FOREX [decrypted] is not just to guide traders but to arm them with the knowledge and tools they need for a journey to financial success in the Forex market. We envision a world where Forex trading is transparent, accessible, and fair for everyone.

Our values are the pillars that support our mission and vision. We stand firmly on the grounds of transparency, neutrality, and practicality. These values guide our every decision and action. We are dedicated to providing unbiased and comprehensive reviews of Expert Advisors, standing as a beacon of truth in a sea of misinformation. Our commitment to neutrality means we treat all strategies and Expert Advisors with equal scrutiny, ensuring fair assessments.

Our Team: The Heart and Soul of FOREX [decrypted]

Meet the heart and soul of FOREX [decrypted] – our dedicated team of experts.

Artur Nalobin, our Co-founder and Chief Strategist, has always been fascinated by the intricate dance of numbers. With a deep understanding of mathematical statistics, Artur leads our team in creating innovative methods for evaluating trading performance. His strategic vision is the compass guiding our journey.

Jane Doe, our Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, is the powerhouse behind our technological prowess. With her expertise in the numerical computing environment Matlab, Jane is instrumental in our ability to analyze and optimize portfolios with precision and efficiency.

Richard Moll, our Lead Analyst, is a maestro of analysis. He ensures that our methods are not just theoretically sound, but also practically applicable in real-world trading scenarios. Richard's insightful analysis makes him an indispensable part of our team.

Lastly, Mary Johnson, our Community Manager, is the glue that holds our community together. She fosters open and respectful communication within our community of traders, helping users share their experiences, learn from each other, and grow together.

Artur Nalobin

Artur Nalobin


Co-founder, Chief Strategist, Trader and Developer

Jane Doe

Jane Doe


Co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, Trader and Developer

Richard Moll

Richard Moll


Lead Analyst, Trader and Developer

About Us | robot 3197204 small

Mary Johnson


Community Manager

Our Services: Elevating Your Forex Trading Experience

FOREX [decrypted] is not just a platform; it's an experience. We offer comprehensive reviews of Expert Advisors, extensive backtest results, and a unique approach to analyzing Forex trading strategies. What sets us apart from others is our commitment to using mathematical statistics and sophisticated computational methods. This scientific approach to Forex trading empowers our users to make informed decisions, optimize their strategies, and enhance their trading performance.

Our Culture: A Symphony of Collaboration and Innovation

FOREX [decrypted] is more than just a team; it's a thriving community, a family that celebrates diversity, innovation, and collaboration. We believe that everyone brings something unique to the table, and it's this diversity that fuels our innovation. We celebrate our wins as a team, learn from our mistakes, and constantly strive for excellence. Regular team-building events, open communication, and a culture of mutual respect and understanding create an environment where ideas can blossom, and everyone feels valued and heard.

Contact Us: We're Here for You

Have questions? We're here to help! You can reach us through our Contact page or send us an email at

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Ready to take control of your Forex trading journey? Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on the latest Expert Advisors, Forex market trends, and useful tips for enhancing your portfolio performance.